Our Birds of Prey

Meet Our Birds

  • Willow~ Peregrine Falcon

    Willow came to us on July 15, 2023 and was hatched in the spring of 2022. She is a captive-bred Peregrine Falcon which means she was hatched in captivity and raised by her falcon parents destined to become a great falconry bird! However, that dream was cut short when she contracted West Nile Virus and survived. However, it left her with impaired vision. She is a rescue and now an ambassador for her species here at SweetHawk Falconry.

    Willow's Stats:
    Sex: Female
    Size: Medium bird 20 inches long
    Wingspan: 4ft
    Wieght: 2 lbs
    Injury: Rescue, Vision Damage

  • LOBO ~ Harris' Hawk

    Lobo joined us on February 28, 2023. He is an older captive bred raptor hatched in 2011. Lobo has been a falconry bird and has been used for abatement work. Raptor abatement is the use of trained, free flying raptors for the purpose of removing pest birds from any given location.

    Lobo has a wonderful sweet desposition and often makes quiet grumbling noises when you come up to him. Thus he is
    lovingly called “Mr. Grumbles”. He does not like cats or dogs and will often scream at them when they come near. He can sometimes be nervous and moody.

    Lobo's Stats:
    Sex: Male
    Size: Medium bird 18 inches long
    Wingspan: 3.5ft
    Wieght: 1.5 lbs

  • TOTORO ~ Eagle Owl

    Totoro came to us on Oct 28, 2023, and is an Eurasian Eagle Owl. His species are not native here in North America, but rather inhabits making Europe and Asian countries their home.

    Totoro is a sweet natured owl behind his protests of being moved. He loves playing at night with his toy and sitting calmly in his enclosure sleeping during the day. He is still getting use to his new home here with us, but is slowly warming up to meeting guests at our encounters where they feed him mice snacks.

    Totoro's Stats:
    Sex: Male
    Size: Large bird 2 ft long
    Wingspan: 6ft
    Wieght: 4 lbs

  • PONYO ~ American Kestrel

    Ponyo is a male American Kestrel hatched in 2024. He came to us July 22, 2024 after being found in the wild by a good samaritan lady on the ground wounded. He was taken to the vet and got a cleaned bill of health. However, he is blind in the left eye and mostly blind in the right. His traumatic beginning is thought to be the doings of a larger bird (crow no doubt) who grabbed his head damaging his vision.

    Ponyo has the sweetest personality and is great with all ages! He loves eating his mice daily and going on walks with us outside. Vet says being so young he may heal and regain most of sight back! We are very happy for his prognosis!

    Ponyo's Stats:
    Sex: Male
    Size: Small bird 8 inches long
    Wingspan: 20 inches
    Wieght: 3.5 oz
    Injury: Rescue - Mostly Blind